Anoop Negi posted a photo:
We move , So we are.
The human stride, is eponymous of evolution and development of the human species.
Human settlements and history as they exist today are more the history of locomotion of the human beings. Originating from Africa and walking forever to hunt and gather food, the homo sapien (human species) , evolved and spread along coastal routes at first and then later migrations over all kinds of terrains. The DNA sampling being done over the last 20-30 years of human populations, emphatically lays it down that the whole world got colonized thus.
Move and you are progress.
People who moved on to horseback moved faster and coupled with significant inventions managed to colonize vast swathes of Earth as their dominion. Wheels on carriages for carrying cargo and people allowed swift movement.
Take England for example, gun powder, horses and lots of guile and bravado made them the biggest empire on Earth. The subsequent introduction of steam engines and the iron wheels led to a quantum jump in the economic might of the ones who had it
In the midst of the Industrial Revolution, the ascent of the English economy was propelled by remarkable advancements in railway technology. The invention of steam locomotives and the development of railway systems revolutionized transportation and played a pivotal role in England’s rise to power.
This was shot in Sri Lanka, a country with a rich railway history. There is a museum dedicated to showcasing the progress made in this industry. This museum serves as a testimony to how wheels have shaped our world and highlights the significant role railways have played in societal progress.
There is a wonderful Steam Locomotive shed in Rewari near Delhi from where some occasional events take place to revive the old roosters. There are a few photos in the comments from this place.
While India and Srilanka and a whole host of nations got their steam engines from England, Canada and USA mostly because of the push from the colonizers who wanted efficiency in their commercial enterprise, the major leaders of today like USA, England, France, Canada, Japan etc got early into the exploitation of what a wheel could do for the nation and that is the lesson of today.
So what industrial invention of today could possibly shape the future leaders on Planet Earth. Seminconductors, Computers, Space Travel.
We can step back in time and witness how technology has shaped events and fortunes of countries and people and perhaps move into areas which may change the fortunes of civilization.
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Source From Flicker
#SriLanka #Photo #lka