2 October 1940 – Farewell for the troopship “S2” as it departs Port of Colombo, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka – colorized version)

aussiejeff posted a photo:

– Viewpoint is looking west from the upper deck of His Majesty’s Australian Troopship (H.M.A.T.) “S2”, as it leaves Colombo Harbour in convoy.
– The convoy was en-route to Haifa, Egypt following a brief one day stopover (with shore leave for the troops) in the port of Colombo.
– This is the second in a sequence of three shots that Tom took as the convoy departed Colombo Harbour.
– Original image captured by my late father-in-law, Driver Tom Beazley of the 2/8 Infantry Battalion Reinforcements, 6th Division, 2nd Australian Imperial Force, using a KODAK Six-20 Popular Brownie box camera, with KODAK 120 B&W roll film.
– Digitized using a CANON Canoscan 8800F scanner.
– Initial version restored from the badly scratched & faded original quality, using Adobe Photoshop Creative Suite 8.0.
– Later colorized using MyHeritage online tools, film grain effect reduced significantly with Topaz Denoise AI, enlarged to 4k size using Topaz Gigapixel & finally enhanced using Luminar AI.

Source From Flicker
#SriLanka #Photo #lka