People of Santani

Santani Resort and Spa | Luxury Wellness Retreat posted a photo:

As we are saying goodbye to 2020, we want to revisit a post we made at the start of the pandemic.

We are happy to say we persevered. Wasantha to Bandara are still there. No one was let go. We see this as our greatest achievement so far and not all the accolades we won. We now see the light at the end of the tunnel. The country just welcomed its first guests since March on a pilot project. We will see you soon.

“Last few weeks has been an incredibly challenging time for this world. Most of us has not seen a human catastrope of such magnitude. However, throughout the course of the history of the world, we have faced challenge after challenge, and we bounce back. We EVOLVE.

When we started Santani just 3 years ago, with “Human Sustainability” as our core philosophy, we clearly understood that the world is changing faster than we can adopt, that a revolution is happening within the evolutionary process. As mentioned in our last post, the concept of human sustainability was our humble attempt to provide a solution to this mismatch. However, we never expected such calamity to happen so soon. We never expected such challenges to impose on us twice within a year. When the Easter Bombings happened last April, it shattered our core. While we put up a brave face in public, we had to take care of all our stakeholders. As we mentioned in a post back then, we had to look after Wasantha, who for the first time in his life had permanent employment. While most of the industry resorted to layoffs, we retained all our staff. We showed unbelievable resilience for a young team that just came together.

This time around the challenge is much greater and all of humanity is affected. We need much higher levels of resilience, strong leadership, and timely decision making to navigate these troubled times.
Earlier this week, we decided to close operations at Santani for two weeks.
We’ve seen a setback that as Santani we have never seen. However as individuals, we have all been through this. A lot of us grew up through a civil war, saw the impact of the tsunami and yet one key factor kept us going. The people of Santani.”

Source From Flicker
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