~ Ancient Sluice of the Parakarama Samudraya ~

kasun.des posted a photo:

King ‘Parākramabāhu I ‘ , Also known as ‘Parākramabāhu The Great’ who reigned the Polonnaruwa kingdom from 1153 AD to 1186 AD, built the Parakrama Samudraya reservoir, a massive waterbody of 2,400 hectares, by interconnecting five separate smaller reservoirs. Namely Thōpa, Dumbutulu, Erabadu, Bhu, Kalahagala tanks. The bund of this massive reservoir is 8.5 miles (~14 kilometers) long
This ancient sluice is still preserved at the northernmost tank, Thōpa Wewa, which also is the oldest of them.


Source From Flicker
#SriLanka #Photo #lka