When it comes to giving, Sri Lankans are a generous lot. It comes as no surprise therefore, that we are big on charity. Now the phrase ‘charity begins at home’ can be interpreted in different ways.
Some say it refers to helping those living nearest to you first- for example, people of your local community or country- rather than those living far away or in another nation. Others say it means kids learn charity in the home- that the act of giving has to be instilled in children at a young age- and watching their parents and elders practising charity is what will result in them doing the same when they grow older.
For those who take it literally- to mean that a person’s first responsibility is to provide for the needs of their own family and friends- then charity should begin at home, but definitely not end there! Whatever your take on the definition, here’s a list of charities in Sri Lanka that will be useful regardless.
SERVE Sri Lanka
SERVE implements different projects benefiting children, women and families from low-income communities. Their social workers give support to the local communities with projects for different target groups. Their work includes:
- Swothsa- skills development via education and promotion of child rights
- Self-help groups to empower women economically and politically
- Supeksha- a project to support convicted mothers and their children, as well as, educate prison staff on child rights. It also focuses on strengthening policies and legal frameworks pertaining to the same, thereby creating child-friendly environments.
- Establishing children’s centres and preschools
- Non-formal Education- teaching young women skills such as bag manufacturing and cake making.
Website: www.servelk.org
Address: No. 24, Uswatte Circular Road, Moratuwa, 10400
Contact Number: +94 011 554 0640, +94 071 490 9999
Email Address: [email protected] , [email protected]
Save the Children
Save the Children is committed to eradicating all forms of violence and abuse against children. They support both government and community-based child protection systems, work with government authorities to reunify children (who have been in state and voluntary homes) with their families, work to make courts friendly to children, carry out protection activities during emergencies and also create recreational spaces for children. They also carry out research into the root causes of child protection issues.
Their education initiatives cover Basic Education and Early Childhood care and Development (ECDD). ‘Empowering Vulnerable Women’ is a series of livelihood and empowerment programs that are currently underway. These have included the mapping of livelihood opportunities including training and the organization of trade fairs and markets. This has led to small groups of women uniting to undertake self-funded and self-selected community projects together as well as welfare and income-generating activities.
Website: https://srilanka.savethechildren.net/
Address: No.18, Sinsapa Road, Colombo 6
Email Address: [email protected]
Hope for Children
Hope for Children is an international charity working towards a world where every child has a happy childhood that sets them up for a positive future. Their work includes:
- Improving access to education (especially for girls, disabled kids and marginalised children)
- Facilitating sustainable livelihoods via income generation schemes and increasing household wealth
- Promoting health and wellbeing of both children and their parents
- Child safeguarding with a special focus on child rights
Website: https://www.hope-for-children.org/
Contact Number: +44 (0) 1442 234 561
Email Address: [email protected]
Rainbow Centre Sri Lanka
The Rainbow Centre provides daily education, food, welfare, medical treatment and loving support to children living in extreme poverty in southwestern Sri Lanka. Its key aim is to end child poverty and enable street children to obtain an education- without which they would be stuck in a cycle of poverty that would otherwise trap them in a world of crime begging, addiction and abuse.
The Centre was established after six months of research into the hidden problems of street and working children in the Aluthgama and Beruwella areas. It currently takes care of about 100 children within a 42km radius. The Centre operates as a free pre-school, nursery and day school, and provides vocational training and scholarship programmes. It runs medical programmes for children and their families. It works to ensure, when possible, that children can enter into the mainstream school system.
Website: http://www.rainbowcentresrilanka.com
Nest Sri Lanka
Nest was found to make life more comfortable for the nearly 1500 women in Unit 2 Mulleriya –a long term Psychiatric Care Centre for women only. The women were incarcerated for life and subject to enormous suffering. Nest changed its name to the Halfway Home and continues to nurture and help the women to acquire skills to use in at home and in the community via a Skills Development Centre they established at the home. They provide occupation and movement to help the women deal with and recover from their psychiatric condition. The Centre has:
- A Restaurant
- A sewing machine (electric),
- Area for hand sewing,
- Exercise bikes,
- Pedal bicycles,
- A shop which sells toiletries, clothes and food at subsidised rates. It is open for anyone
- A free telephone service
- Computer
- Painting
- Gardening
- Arts and crafts work
- Housekeeping skills
- Make-up and hairdressing
- Organic cultivation
Nest has evolved and works to strengthen families and individuals island-wide. Their Community Health Workers train communities to cope during a crisis so that their kith and kin may remain in their own home and not be abandoned to institutionalisation.
Website: http://nestsrilanka.com.lk/
Address: 42 Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka.
Contact Number: +94 2576278
Email Address: [email protected]
The Women’s Development Centre
The WDC’s mission strives to encourage self-reliance and promote equal opportunities for at-risk and vulnerable women, youth, and children with/without disabilities. The organisation advocates a rights-based ‘bottom-up’ approach that is led and supported by a professional team of activists that work at a local and national level. The organisation has initiated the Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) disability programme for mothers of disabled children lacking support and engagement; and the Centre for Crisis Intervention, a shelter for female victims of violence to provide protection, care, and rehabilitation of women and girl survivors of GBV, while they were taking legal action against their perpetrators.
They have also established the ‘Network of Women (NOW)’- organising small women’s groups into regional forums for collective action and influence.
Website: http://womendev.org/
Address: No. 61 Mulgampola Road, Kandy, Sri Lanka
Contact Number: 94-081-2234511, 94-081-2228158
Email Address: [email protected]
Muslim Ladies Study Circle
The Muslim Ladies Study Circle, established in 1969, is a social service organisation that has been actively involved in serving the less fortunate for the last 40 years. Their aim is to give the women the skills required so they can begin work and gain economic independence, confidence and take their place in society. Their work includes:
- Tsunami Relief- this includes the provision of housing, donation of rations and livelihood equipment
- Financing education- this covers the provision of free tuition classes, scholarships and school uniforms, shoes and stationery.
- Healthcare: maintaining wards at the De Soysa Maternity Home and Maharagama Cancer Hospital as well as organising medical camps
- Vocational Training: operating centres in Colombo, Kahatovita, Warakapola, Panadura, Galle and Weligama. Here activities like screen printing, professional cooking, application of make-up, henna treatment and apparel production are taught.
Website: https://muslimladiesstudycircle.org/home.html
Address: No. 201, D. R. Wijewardena Mawatha, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
Contact Number: +94-11-2667955
Email Address: [email protected]
Stichting Weeshuis Sri Lanka
If you’re looking to take charity one step further, Stichting Weeshuis Sri Lanka provides an easy platform for anyone- private individuals, companies or organisations – to set up a charitable trust in partnership with and aligning with the aims of the Sri Lanka Orphanage Foundation. For instance, you could choose to further the children’s education, or perhaps you would prefer to have your donation spent on medical care or the structural facilities in their Somawathi Home.
With a ‘Charitable Trust’ with the Sri Lanka Orphanage Foundation, you have your own Trust Fund without administrative obligations involved in setting up a foundation. You can personally decide on the name of your Trust and determine the amount you would like to donate to the Trust. A Charitable Trust is possible from €15,000.
You can organise your charitable trust in three different ways:
- With a one-time gift
- With a notarial deed
- With a testamentary disposition
Sri Lanka Orphanage Foundation manages and spends the money as agreed by the investor.
Website: https://weeshuissrilanka.nl/home-en/
Email Address:[email protected]
Courage Compassion Commitment (CCC) Foundation
The Courage Compassion Commitment (CCC) Foundation is a non-profit organisation based in Sri Lanka and Australia and provides services in the areas of cancer and mental wellbeing. It was founded in 2003 to assist the National Cancer Institute in Maharagama, and has now established the CCC house- a fully operational transit home for cancer outpatients and carers from all across the country.
The CCC Line is a free Telephone Counseling service that provides emotional support and guidance for people who are facing difficulties or simply want to talk about their problems. By dialling 1333, callers can speak to trained telephone counsellors who are willing to listen and assist.
Website: http://cccfoundation.org.au/
Address: 379/4, Galle Road , Colombo 03,
Contact Number: +94 777701273
HelpAge Sri Lanka
HelpAge Sri Lanka is a charitable non-governmental organisation working for and on behalf of disadvantaged senior citizens in Sri Lanka to improve their quality of lives. Their mission is to raise awareness and ensure that people in Sri Lanka understand how much older people contribute to society and that they must enjoy their right to social and healthcare services and economic and physical security. They have established a flagship Eye Hospital in Wellawatte which provides an invaluable service to elders who cannot afford eye care expenses including the cost of lenses required for cataract surgeries.
They also operate the H. P. Gooneratne HelpAge Elders’ Day Care Centre in Ratmalana where elders from the area are productively occupied with other elders. The Home is open to any elder who needs support either social or health support. There is a ‘Meals on Wheels’ project functioning at the centre as well as the opportunity for small scale income-generating activities such as making lamp wicks, flowerpots, envelopes etc. Apart from the recreational activities, various religious and cultural activities and visits by students and well-wishers keep them happily engaged till evening. The society also organises mobile medical camps and youth education programmes.
Website: https://www.helpagesl.org/
Address: P.O. BOX 09, 102, Pemananda Mawatha, Raththanapitiya, Boralesgamuwa,
Contact Number: + 94 11 2803752, + 94 11 2803753, + 94 11 2803754, + 94 11 7418977 – 81
Email Address: [email protected]
The Sri Lanka Red Cross Society (SLRCS)
The SLRCS is one of the oldest existing charitable organisations in Sri Lanka. Its mission is to maximise capacities and mobilise resources to build community resilience and create a safer environment for those exposed to disasters, emergencies and social exclusions. It is a specialist in providing aid of all kinds and its focus areas are:
- Disaster Management
- Health and Care (Community Based Health (CBH), First Aid Programmes, Blood Donor Recruitment, Health Promotion)
- Post-Conflict Recovery
- Post-Flood Recovery
- Restoring family links
The SL Red Cross Society works closely with the government and operates branch offices all across the island- one in each of the 25 administrative districts. You can find the branch closest to you here: https://www.redcross.lk/contact-us/
Website: https://www.redcross.lk/
Address: National Headquarters, 106, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
Contact Number: (94) 11 2691095, (94) 11 2691095
Email: [email protected]
The Sri Lanka Cancer Society
The Sri Lanka Cancer Society is a voluntary organisation of people working towards relieving Sri Lanka from the devastating effects of the scourge of cancer. It operates branches all around the island.
Website: http://www.cancersocietysrilanka.org/index1.htm
Address: 37/25 Bullers Lane, Colombo 07.
Contact Number: +94-11-2585879
Email Address: [email protected]
Centre for Handicapped Sri Lanka
CFH Sri Lanka is a facility which provides prosthetic and orthotic devices and rehabilitation services to physically challenged people from all over the island – such as those who have suffered from illnesses, accidents and birth defects – thereby enabling them to live full and productive lives. Their goal is to allow disabled adults to return to their professions or build new ones and help physically impaired children to lead normal, happy childhoods.
The Centre specialises in providing custom-built limbs, prostheses and orthotic devices, custom-made wheelchairs and walking aids such as crutches, canes etc. Their services include physiotherapy, vocational training- with a focus on women and girls, as well as micro-loans to help disabled individuals get back on their feet again. They also organise outreach camps; help out with cataract surgery and rainwater harvesting initiatives (to mitigate the risk of Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown etiology-CKDu).
Website: http://cfhsrilanka.org/index
Address: No. 228, Digana Road, Kundasale, Sri Lanka
Contact Number: +94 81 242 0271
Sri Lanka Sumithrayo is an organisation focused on providing emotional support to help those at risk of suicide and those going through difficult times in their life. There are 10 Sri Lanka Sumithrayo centres spread across the country, a rural programme and an outreach unit. They disseminate this psychosocial support to the community in numerous ways including face to face, over the phone and via mail.
They specialise in:
- Providing emotional support for people to develop coping skills and deal with the everyday trials and tribulations of life.
- Befriending individuals at institutions request.
- Conducting programmes for the farming community who live a life of economic hardship and uncertainty.
- Giving support to drug dependents and their families.
- Spreading awareness on the prevention of suicide.
Website: https://srilankasumithrayo.lk/index.html
Address: 60/7, Horton Place, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Contact Number: +94 11 2 682535, +94 11 2 682570
Email Address: [email protected] , [email protected]
Samutthāna was established by the UK Sri Lanka Trauma Group to respond to the necessity for upgrading of community-based services to improve mental health of the population of Sri Lanka. Samutthāna’s programmes support training and support via counselling at the grassroots level, while the UK Sri Lanka Trauma Group advocates at the regional and national levels for greater recognition, resource allocation, and policy development in various areas of mental health.
The Samutthana Centre in Colombo houses a resource library of books, CD’s and journals for mental health professionals, counsellors, doctors, nurses, psychologists, teachers and others engaged in trauma, mental health and psychosocial work. Through the provision of material, resources and expert volunteers, the Centre aims to help develop skills in mental health workers and continue to support, monitor and evaluate their work through supervision.
Website: https://www.samutthana.org.lk/
Address: 30/54, Longden Place, Colombo 7.
Contact Number: +94 112502529
Email Address: [email protected]
Child, Adolescent and Family Services (CAFS)
This organisation was initiated as a project under the THEME Institute to create mental health awareness in Sri Lanka. It achieves this via conducting necessary assessments and providing tailor-made interventions, organising specialised workshops for communities, schools and institutions and initiating support forums.
Website: https://cafs.lk/
Address: 50/13 Old Kesbewa Rd, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
Contact Number: +94 76 406 7004 / +94 11 7446919
The Law & Society Trust (LST)
This is a not-for-profit organisation engaged in human rights documentation, legal research and advocacy in Sri Lanka. It uses rights-based strategies in order to promote and protect human rights, enhance public accountability and strengthen respect for the rule of law. They publish a variety of reports and publications on the subject.
Website: https://lstlanka.org/
Address: No. 3 Kynsey Terrace, Colombo 08, Western Province, Sri Lanka, 0800
Contact Number: 94 11 2684845 / 94 11 2691228 / 94 11 2684853
Email Address: [email protected]
All Ceylon Human Rights Federation
The organisation’s goal is to make an effective contribution towards a world free of human right violations and they do this via knowledge dissemination within and outside of Sri Lanka, conducting legal literacy and educational programmes, participating in active dialogue dedicated to the promotion and protection of human rights and intervening in the reforms and formulation of laws and politics that impact human rights.
Website: https://humanrights.lk/
Address: 605/1, Wickremasinghe Pura, Pannipitiya Road, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Contact Number: +94 11 720 8848, +94 77 618 7035
Email Address: [email protected]
Equal Ground
EQUAL GROUND is the only organisation in Sri Lanka currently actively fighting for equal rights for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Questioning (LGBTIQ) community. It advocates for the decriminalisation of homosexual activity and the elimination of discrimination of individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity. It hosts annual PRIDE celebrations and events that encourage the Queer community to come out and offers a counselling service for LGBTQ individuals. EG also publishes trilingual educational materials on the topic and engages in gender sensitisation at local villages as well as in the corporate and media sectors.
Website: www.equal-ground.org
Contact Number: +94-11-2075121 / +94-11-4334279
Email Address: [email protected]
Environmental Foundation (Guarantee) Limited
The mission of EFL is to conserve and protect Sri Lanka’s natural environment through legal and scientific means. Their areas of focus are environmental law and governance (environmental rights and legal protection), ecology and wildlife conservation (biodiversity protection), environmental awareness (disseminating information on environmental issues and impacts) and sustainable development (enhancing resource management). They are involved in multiple facets of environmental protection including energy, forestry and biodiversity, mining and mineral extraction, waste as well as water and emissions.
Website: https://efl.lk/
Address: No. 3A, 1st Lane, Kirillapone, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka
Contact Number: +94 (11) 289 0992
Email Address: [email protected]
Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society
The SLWCS works to protect Sri Lanka’s most endangered wildlife through community-based conservation projects and scientific research. Their mission is to enable communities to balance ecosystem protection and economic development by pioneering a grass-root level oriented model for sustainable conservation, which will include practical solutions that mitigate the wildlife-human conflict, environmental damage, climate change, and biodiversity loss, and that address sustainable livelihoods, land use, and rural poverty issues. They focus on mitigating the human-elephant conflict from the ground up, and have extended their research to include other endangered species, such as the Sri Lankan leopard, sloth bear and small cat species. Their initiatives include Project Orange Elephant, the Elefriendly Bus, Elevets, the Mahaweli Water Keeper and the Butterfly Project.
Website: https://www.slwcs.org/
Address: 6/5 Kanatte Road, Udahamulla, Nugegoda 10250
Contact Number: +94-72-999-9520
Email Address: [email protected]
This is Sri Lanka’s first marine conservation organisation. Oceanswell focuses on research and education; and its goal is to spread awareness about the integral role oceans play in our planet- thereby equipping individuals to work towards its preservation. It hopes to create the next generation of diverse ocean heroes, equipping students from underrepresented nations to conduct marine conservation research, and engaging everybody in conversations about the magic of our world’s oceans.
The organisation’s work includes the provision of marine conservation field courses, initiating constructive dialogue on marine conservation (with a special feature for kids), storytelling to save the oceans, mentoring to increase the number of individuals interested in the niche field of marine protection and of course marine research.
Website: https://oceanswell.org/
Email Address: [email protected]
Wildlife and Nature Protection Society
The history of wildlife protection in Sri Lanka is almost synonymous with that of the WNPS. At 126 years old, the WNPS is the third oldest Non-Governmental Organisation of its kind in the World and was responsible for the setting up of Wilpattu & Yala National Parks in Sri Lanka, and for the formation of the Department of Wildlife Conservation. Their aim is to change the environmental equation and focus on areas such as conservation (human elephant conflict, wild cats, marine species and reforestation), advocacy and outreach as well as law and policy.
Website: https://www.wnpssl.org/
Address: No. 86, Rajamalwatte Road, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka.
Contact Number: +94 11 2 887390, +94 11 2 887664
Email Address: [email protected]
The Sri Lanka Wilderness Foundation
This charity focuses on conservation efforts through education and sustainable tourism development via their responsible tourism arm – Eco Team. The tourists have the possibility to offset the carbon footprint created by their travel, and the trip fee is directly channelled into preserving the environment and wellbeing of the communities. Moreover, some get involved physically in research and infrastructure development work too at field conservation units, in partnership with local communities. They also focus on forest restoration and wetland conservation.
Website: http://www.srilankawilderness.org/
Email Address: [email protected]
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is an international non-profit organisation dedicated to fighting poverty housing and homelessness through affordable housing and sanitation facilities across Sri Lanka. Their work is based on building and gifting houses to low-income families, thereby giving them a chance at a better life. They aim to empower through shelter and give everyone a place to call home.
Since 1994, Habitat for Humanity Sri Lanka has served communities across 20 districts, supporting over 26,621 families.
Website: https://www.habitatsrilanka.org/
Address: No. 42/14 Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
Contact Number: +94 (11) 2 577102 – 10
Email Address: [email protected]
The Grassrooted Trust (Guarantee) Limited
The Grassrooted Trust was set up to provide a safe space for marginalised communities, online and in the real world. The Trust advocates for equal rights regardless of HIV status, gender identity, sexual orientation or the fact that a person uses drugs or is a sex worker. Their work involves accurate and comprehensive learning and education (via workshops and components integrated into the existing government curriculum) that will help prepare children and young people for life and help them respond positively to the human condition. They also promote ‘respect for all’ at the workplace via helping companies implement harassment policies effectively and focus on awareness via theatre productions.
The Trust’s WHO MADE THIS range of cups are in aid of marginalised women and girls in Sri Lanka who sell sex, live with HIV, identify as Transgender, use drugs and survive violence. The cups provoke integral questions relating to the tea industry where women are being exploited, patriarchy, and the policing of women bodies in the name of culture, as well as help financially sustain the good work they do. Mugs are currently available at Barefoot, Colombo, Galle and Dutch Hospital. Mugs are also available at Selyn Fair Trade, in Colombo and Kandy, Rithihi, and Cafe Kumbuk.
Website: http://www.grassrooted.net/
Address: 365/1C Bataketiya Road, Udumulla, Mulleriyawa 10620, Sri Lanka
Email Address: [email protected]
Samadhi Community Development Foundation
This charity based in the Matara District is a non-profit organisation engaged in social welfare projects all over in Sri Lanka. Their main focus areas include:
- Youth empowerment (vocational, entrepreneurship and micro-financing training)
- Enhancing human capital (provision of educational materials, employer coordination, assisting the differently-abled and mentally-challenged)
- Grass-root engagement in peace, democracy and free-market principles
- Livelihood management (agro, fishing and livestock resource-oriented projects, modern technological input)
- Health and wellbeing (health camps, enhancing hygiene standards and raising awareness about alcohol and drug abuse etc.)
- Disaster relief (disaster management and preparation projects for the short, medium and long term)
Website: www.samadhifoundation.net
Address: Sri Rathanapala Mw, Matara, Sri Lanka
Contact Number: +94 41 2230946, +94 77 7306922
Email Address: [email protected]
Prithipura Communities
Prithipura Communities is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation that provides a loving home to some of the most vulnerable in Sri Lanka- those with disabilities who have little or no family contact. They currently support 250 children and adults with disabilities across 4 locations, 2 for children (Infant Home and Cotagala School) and 2 for adults (Asokapura Farm and Anandarapura Farm). The adults are involved in the rubber plantation and vegetable plots present in the farms and also activities such as cattle and coconut farming, rubber tapping, brush making etc. Residents also benefit from art therapy and vocational training.
Website: https://www.prithipura.org/
Address: Prithipura Road, Hendala, Wattala 11300
Contact Number: (00 94)(0)112 930 635
Email Address: [email protected]
Senehasa Association
The Senehasa Association is a small voluntary association with charitable aims, determined to make a real difference at the community level in Sri Lanka. Their work in Sri Lanka has stepped up significantly after the Boxing Day Tsunami of 2004 and now focuses on vulnerable coastal communities in Galle, Hambantota and Ampara. The association aims to help communities get back on their feet and become self-sufficient via providing:
- Homes
- Education (rebuilding schools, sponsoring students, English development programmes)
- Employment opportunities (provision of fishing boats, skills enhancement etc.)
- Healthcare facilities (a blood bank, maternity ward and neonatal ward)
- Improved access to water (creation of reservoirs)
All funds raised go directly to the projects as administrative costs are borne by the members of the association.
Website: https://senehasa-assoc.com/
Email Address: [email protected]
Social Service.lk is a humanitarian non-profit organisation working to create a lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty and injustice. Being spread all across the island, their work covers a vast area of projects ranging from long-term sustainable community development programmes to immediate disaster relief assistance.
Their objectives are:
- Child support- uplift educational standards, provide literacy support (Teach: iDEA Lab) and orphan care
- Solutions for water and sanitary problems
- Livelihood and income support
- Improve healthcare and services for the differently-abled
- Disaster relief assistance
- Protection of the environment
- Women empowerment
Website: http://socialservice.lk/
Address: B 11, Samapura H.S, Forbes Lane, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.
Contact Number: (+94) 772381981
Email Address: [email protected]
CARE Sri Lanka
CARE’s work in Sri Lanka began in 1950 with a focus on food security and maternal and child health. Today, they work to address the root causes of poverty and the marginalisation of vulnerable groups by building communities’ skills and promoting good governance within government and community organisations. Their work is focused on poor rural communities, conflict-affected populations and plantation workers.
Their programmes focus on peacebuilding, sustainable livelihoods, gender equality, emergency preparedness and disaster risk reduction. They also work to address gender based violence through training, awareness-raising and supporting women’s action groups.
Following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, CARE expanded its work to support tsunami survivors in seven of the worst-affected districts.
Website: https://care.org/our-work/where-we-work/sri-lanka/
Address: 151 Ellis Street NE, Atlanta, GA 30303
Contact Number: 1-800-422-7385
Email Address: [email protected]
Lanka Evangelical Alliance Development Service (LEADS)
LEADS is a community development charity passionate and purposeful about reaching the most vulnerable in Sri Lanka- the poorest of the poor- those that are neglected or forgotten in the tide of other development activities. Following the philosophy of “by the communities for the communities”, LEADS guides communities towards discovering their own potential in seeking their own solutions through participatory development in achieving self-sufficiency. Families for these projects are selected in consultation with the local government authority and a “cluster” of programmes is carried out in each village. These range from:
- Leadership & empowerment
- Shelter
- Literacy
- Health & sanitation
- Vocational training
- Income generation
- Micro-enterprise development & loan schemes
The range of programmes is dependent on the findings of a PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) which is conducted prior to programme implementation. They also focus their efforts on relief and rehabilitation.
Website: https://www.leads.lk/
Address: 25, Hospital Road, Dehiwela 10350
Contact Number: 07700500888
Email Address: [email protected]
The Foundation for Innovative Social Development (FISD)
The FISD is a national non-governmental organisation in Sri Lanka working towards the upliftment of living standards of local communities. They focus on social development and enlist civil participation and social mobilisation to achieve their 3 primary objectives:
- To enhance the status of women (Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programme)
- To build a healthy environment for children (Child Rights Protection and Promotion Programme)
- To create a society free from alcohol, tobacco and drug abuse. (Alcohol, Drugs and Development Programme)
Website: https://fisd.lk/
Address: No. 39/15, Angampitiya Road, Ethulkotte, Kotte
Contact Number: +94 11 2887666, +94 11 2873057
Email Address: [email protected]
Brothers of Charity
The Brothers of Charity, and their local counterpart ‘The Brothers of Saint Joseph’ are an active group in Ja-Ela, Colombo and in the East. They manage:
- A home for people with intellectual disabilities in Batticaloa (this is the Centre for Youths of Special Needs which also functions as a vocational training centre)
- A boarding school for boys
- A nursery school
- A rehabilitation home for chronic mental patients in Kalmunai
- A technical school in Trincomalee
- A house of formation for brothers in Katugastota (near Kandy)
Website: https://brothersofcharity.org/sri-lanka/?lang=en
Address: 345, Power House Road, Trincomalee, 31000
Contact Number: +94 26 222 19 36
Email Address: [email protected]
Kindhearted Lankans
This is a broad-spectrum charity that focuses on the provision of education, construction of schools, housing support and the donation of dry rations and basic goods.
Website: https://www.kindheartedlankans.com/
Contact Number: +94 777 99 44 77
Animal SOS Sri Lanka
This is a unique facility for street animals in Sri Lanka with a free-roaming sanctuary for dogs and secure sanctuary for cats in the south of Sri Lanka, which provides a safe haven for sick, disabled and vulnerable strays. The on-site veterinary clinic with resident local vets is operational 365 days. They also operate neutering/rabies vaccination programmes in the local area, adoption schemes and animal welfare education.
Website: https://www.animalsos-sl.com/
Address: Puwakwatta, Kongashena, Midigama, Ahangama, Sri Lanka
Contact Number: 041 792 1113, 0768 265822, 0768 265323
Email Address: [email protected]
Animal and Welfare Protection Association
AWPA is committed to the caring of stray, abandoned or abused dogs and cats. The primary goal is to find permanent, responsible homes for these furry friends. The AWPA provides sanctuary to over 400 dogs and 65 cats in two no-kill shelters located in Dehiwela and Kahatuduwa. They also undertake sterilising and vaccinating for rabies eradication.
Website: http://www.awpasl.org/index.aspx
Contact Number: +94 77 7388313, +94 11 2360026
Dogstar Foundation
The Dogstar Foundation runs the largest spaying/neutering clinic in Sri Lanka and has sterilised over 43,000 dogs and administered over 65,000 Rabies vaccinations. The foundation’s newer subsidiary, Catstar, shares the same goals and has sterilised over 3000 cats. Their philosophy is based on prevention (of overpopulation via neutering and of disease via vaccination), education (animal welfare education programmes for children and adults) and treatment of diseased/injured dogs. The organisation believes in taking animal welfare to the streets via their purpose-built air-conditioned trucks with veterinary facilities (mobile clinics) and highly skilled team.
Website: https://www.dogstarfoundation.com/
Address: Head Office, 694-694a Mada Pitipana, Pamunugama Rd, Negombo, Western Province, 11500, Sri Lanka
Embark Sri Lanka
Embark is dedicated to improving the wellbeing of street dogs through its rescue and rehoming initiatives whilst managing the population and preventing rabies through sterilisation and vaccination programmes across the country. They also focus on education and awareness and promote dog adoption and sponsorship. The organisation’s brand offers customers a diverse and unique line of pooch-inspired clothing and merchandise. All the profits from the sale of merchandise are used to fund Embark’s extensive animal welfare work.
Website: https://embarkpassion.com/
Address: No. 73, Jawatte Road, Colombo 5
Contact Number: +94 773 429 025
Email Address: [email protected]
Cameron Dog Foundation
The Cameron Dog Foundation is an animal rescue and sanctuary service in Sri Lanka. Their goal is to ideally reduce the number of animals born every year with spaying and neutering programmes. Besides this, there work also includes dog rescue, vaccination against Rabies, Parvo Virus and Distemper, operating a Dog Shelter in Bandaragama, education of locals and veterinary support. A key feature of this organisation is that they provide international re-homing of Sri Lankan dogs.
Website: http://www.camerondogfoundation.org.uk/
Branches: Muththettuwa, Kurundukotuwa, Paragostota
Contact Numbers: + 94 7522083966
Email Address: [email protected] , www.camerondogfoundation.org.uk
The Elemotion Foundation is a non-profit organisation that works to improve the lives of endangered Asian elephants and the people connected to them. They focus on three elements: education (public awareness, co-existence and responsible tourism), international network building (technology and information transfer) and Human-Elephant Conflict (HEC) support programmes. The Foundation has sponsored seven orphaned elephants at the Elephant Transit Home, located in Udawalawe National Parkin Southern Sri Lanka.
The work conducted by the charity includes:
- Installation of an outdoor video surveillance system at the transit home
- Donation of appropriate apparel and gear for elephant keepers, vets, rangers, and guards
- Donation of a new cow-sling to keep sick babies on their feet
- Training sessions for jeep drivers and guides in elephant safaris
- Water pump provision for elephants during the dry season
- Conducting conservation and wildlife education programmes in Sri Lankan schools.
Website: http://www.elemotion.org/
Email Address: [email protected]
The British Council Sri Lanka

The British Council Arts Team in Sri Lanka works with British and Sri Lankan creative talent to address social issues through art. The Arts and Disabilities Programme works to promote inclusion, by building the capacity of disabled artists and providing opportunities for audiences to engage with their performances. In phase 1, during 2019, 67 mixed-abled participants in Vavunathivu and Paddipalai (Batticaloa District) and Puttur East (Jaffna District) where trained and public performances engaged with an audience of 500 – 600 across the 3 districts. In phase 2 which is on-going, 20+ trainers will be trained who will then go back to their communities and cascade their learning.
They have also initiated a grant scheme to empower artists, gender activists and development organisations who want to raise awareness, create debate and discussion and address issues pertaining to gender equality and female empowerment. Through this they have sponsored plays, books and projects focusing on the same as well as a music video on suicide; and continue to mobilise funds for the cause.
They also spread awareness and produce reports of the creative and cultural industries of Sri Lanka.
Website: https://www.britishcouncil.lk/programmes/arts
Address: No. 49 Alfred House Gardens, Colombo 00300
Contact Number: +94 (0)11 7521 521, +94 (0)11 4521 521
Email Address: [email protected]
The Sunera Foundation
Established as the result of an international collaboration by the Sunethra Bandaranaike Trust, this charity is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of persons living with disabilities, and their fullest integration into society via involvement in the performing arts. They conduct workshops all around the island focusing on speech, art and drama therapy as well as fundraising events and performances.
Website: http://sunerafoundation.org/thefoundation
Address: No. 39, Elibank Road, Colombo 05, Sri Lanka.
Contact Number: +94-11-250-4043, +94-11-250-4041
Email Address: [email protected], [email protected]
Mind Adventures
This is an independent theatre group that takes inspiration from Sri Lankan events and people to create original work that explores socio-political concepts in a compelling and engaging manner. They also run a workshop project that focuses on teaching critical thinking skills, employing drama therapy techniques and creating performances with youth around the country.
Website: http://www.mindadventurestheatre.com/
Email Address: [email protected]
Power of Play
This organisation’s ‘Shadows of Change’ initiative aims to challenge stereotypes, broaden perspectives and create empathy amongst people and communities to identify organic solutions to common issues, focusing on the power of each individual to initiate progressive change. This is a non-verbal theatre initiative devised to highlight socially critical issues in non-aggressive, respectful ways and promote unity. SoC partners with community development organisations and trains community actors in this regard.
Website: https://www.powerofplay.lk/
Contact Number: +94 777 396389
Email Address: [email protected]
There you have it- a list of the prominent charities in Sri Lanka addressing a wide variety of political, social, economic and environmental issues. Whether you’re an animal lover or a gender activist, a childcare advocate or an arts enthusiast- there’s something for everyone in the list and we’re sure you found a worthy cause that appeals to the giver in you. Any form of contribution- be it monetary, knowledge or volunteerism- goes a long way in helping these organisations continue the good work they do.
The post Charity Organisations in Sri Lanka appeared first on Pulse.
Source From Pulse.lk
Author: Zainab Zoeb
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