Isso Wade | Cooking with Aunty D

Bring a taste of the Sri Lankan streets to your table, with our recipe for isso wade!

This isso wade recipe is packed with flavor and serves 12, so it’s perfect for sharing (which if all goes well, you probably won’t!).

Have a go at it with Aunty D.


Split yellow peas 2 cups
Green chilli 3 nos
Red onion 10 nos
Curry leaves
Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
Chilli flakes 1 1/2 tsp
Salt 3 tsp
Asafoetida powder 1/4 tsp
Prawns (small) 30 nos
Flour 1 tbsp
Water 1 tbsp


Soak split yellow peas in water for 30 minutes, then grind them into a smooth paste.

Combine the paste with chopped green chillies, red onions, curry leaves, turmeric powder, chilli flakes, salt and asafoetida powder.

Mix well, then form the mixture into small, round patties.

Meanwhile, season the prawns with salt.

Make a thin paste with flour and water, and use it to stick two prawns onto each patty.

Finally fry the isso wade until they turn golden brown and crispy on both sides.

Serve it up hot with a cup of tea and enjoy!

Aunty D. is a full-time mom working a little magic in the kitchen whenever she’s got time on her hands. She brings to you easy and fast recipes with a twist of Sri Lankan spices and cooking techniques. Get Cooking!

The post Isso Wade | Cooking with Aunty D appeared first on Pulse.

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