Union Assurance empowers its policyholders by introducing free COVID-19 life coverage

The recurrence of COVID-19 continues to cripple the world with adversity raising serious concerns pertaining to healthcare. With extensive efforts being made to curb the spread of the virus through nationwide lockdowns and curfew, has immobilized the nation at present. However, Union Assurance has proven its resilience by going beyond to ensure the safety of its policyholders by introducing a free COVID-19 life coverage to empower its policyholders.

Union Assurance PLC being one of the largest insurance solution providers in Sri Lanka has reaffirmed its commitment towards the nation by staying true to its promise, ‘Your Life, Our Strength’ despite unanticipated circumstances through perseverance and by responding to customers’ needs even amidst the ‘New Normal’.
The cover provides a free death cover up to a maximum of LKR 1 million per policyholder which is valid for a period of one month commencing from 02nd November 2020 to 01st December 2020. This initiative would be continued in which hospitalization per day claims directly resulting from COVID-19 will be considered from 20th October to 31st December 2020. 

Amidst grave adversity Union Assurance strives to provide its unwavering commitment in offering the best in class protection coverages to its policyholders while ensuring that their families are financially empowered to face any challenge and uncertainty. 

To obtain more information about this free COIVD 19 cover, call the Union Assurance 24-hour hotline on 1330, email: [email protected]; or chat with the company on www.unionassurance.com

Source From asianmirror business
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